May 20, 2014
To the Voters of the Commonwealth of Virginia, These are trying times for many families, and for our nation. Those now in power in Washington, D.C. are so radical, so corrupt, so compromised, that reasonable citizens rightly wonder if our country will survive in safety, in security, in prosperity, and in liberty. The question we must ask is whether enough God-fearing, right-thinking men and women will act in time to stop the ambitious and selfish forces now in power, and halt the damage that is being done to the nation and the people by current policies. As of today, this remains an open question. That is why I’m writing to you. I believe there is one candidate running for U.S. Senate in your state who can truly be a leader in the effort to save America and help American families, if you will empower him to do so. A decorated combat veteran and pro-life hero, that candidate is Shak Hill. Shak Hill understands the moral imperative at the heart of our battle to save this republic, and preserve decent liberty for our posterity. He recognizes that the innocent child in the womb is a person, made in the image of our Creator God and endowed with the same unalienable rights as you or me. He knows that without respect for life, property and all the individual rights and freedoms guaranteed under our Constitutional system of ordered liberty, societal decay is inevitable. Shak Hill sees that without our nation’s love and respect for God’s Divine Authority, moral degradation, community deterioration, violence and even tyranny triumphs. His core convictions mirror the foundation of America's legacy of liberty, and inform his life and service. His record of leadership reveals a courageous heart with the will to carry principle into public policy, to demand truth and justice without fear or favor, and uphold his sworn oath of office. I pray you will do the one thing needful this year to secure America's future as a bastion of decent freedom, and vote only for candidates with the courage to take all Constitutional action necessary to preserve and protect our republic. Please join me in actively supporting a true defender of these United States, Shak Hill, for U.S. Senate, Virginia. Keep faith, |
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